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Effective Listing Titles

It is important to write listing titles for buyers, not for the eBay search engine. A good title allows buyers to have a glimpse of what to expect. It manages their expectations and it is also the deciding factor on whether they’ll want to look at your listing or move on. Here are some tips to help you write a killer title!

Boost your listing visibility and drive in more sales


When you’re selling to an international market, it is always important to do your research and understand the local buyer behavior. This includes search keywords for your listing titles.

eBay focuses on delivering relevance. Understanding how buyers search for your product is crucial to increase the visibility of your listings.

Use keywords that buyers are likely to search for – put yourself in their shoes and think about how you would search for your own product. Test the keywords in your listing titles to find the ones that drive the most sales.

A product may have different names in different countries. This is why keyword research is important. 

See example

Use Google keyword planner to find relevant search terms in your targeted market.

See example

Listing Title Best Practices

State exactly what your item is. Include important details like brand, model, colour, size, condition, features and even the MPN (Manufacturer Part number).

Feel free to also repeat the category name in your listing title.

Here’s an example of a good listing title:

  • MFlash ZT900 Class 10 Micro Flash 128GB Memory Card Dark Blue (New)

Your listing titles should also be 65 to 80 characters long. A title that is clear and accurate will lead to more visibility

Here’s a list of Do’s and Don’ts when optimising your listing titles.


Use up to 80 characters to describe your title

Make your title clear, accurate and professional

State exactly what your item is, even if your title repeats the category name

Use sentence or title case

Use correct spelling


Use capital letters

Use special characters (*!)

Include multiple synonyms (purse, handbags, bags)

Use words that don’t describe your item! (“Wow” and “L@@K”)

Use words that are false or misleading



Use up to 80 characters to describe your title

Make your title clear, accurate and professional

State exactly what your item is, even if your title repeats the category name

Use sentence or title case

Use correct spelling

Use capital letters

Use special characters (*!)

Use words that don’t describe your item! (“Wow” and “L@@K”)

Include multiple synonyms (purse, handbags, bags)

Use words that are false or misleading


Use up to 80 characters to describe your title

Make your title clear, accurate and professional

State exactly what your item is, even if your title repeats the category name

Use sentence or title case

Use correct spelling


Use capital letters

Use special characters (*!)

Use words that don’t describe your item! (“Wow” and “L@@K”)

Include multiple synonyms (purse, handbags, bags)

Use words that are false or misleading

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